81. Display Mounted Filesystems
To display all mounted filesystems:
82. Display Information about Disk Space Usage
To show the disk space usage for all mounted filesystems:
83. Display Disk Space Usage in Human-Readable Format
To show the disk space usage in a human-readable format (like MB, GB):
df -g
84. Display Information on Inode Usage
To display information on inode usage for all mounted filesystems:
df -i
85. List Disk Attributes
To list attributes of all disks:
lsattr -El hdiskX
Note: Replace `hdiskX` with the disk name (e.g., hdisk0, hdisk1).
86. Display Logical Volume Information
To display information about a logical volume:
lslv logical_volume_name
Note: Replace `logical_volume_name` with the name of the logical volume.
87. List All Logical Volumes
To list all logical volumes:
lsvg -l volume_group_name
Note: Replace `volume_group_name` with the name of the volume group.
88. List All Volume Groups
To list all volume groups:
89. Display Volume Group Information
To display information about a volume group:
lsvg volume_group_name
Note: Replace `volume_group_name` with the name of the volume group.
90. Create a New Logical Volume
To create a new logical volume of a specific size within a volume group:
mklv -y logical_volume_name volume_group_name size
Note: Replace `logical_volume_name` with the desired logical volume name, `volume_group_name` with the name of the volume group, and `size` with the desired size.