AIX TIPS & TRICKS: Boost Your IBM AIX Knowledge – 7

71. List All User Accounts

To list all user accounts:

lsuser -a ALL

72. Display Information of a Specific User Account

To display detailed information of a specific user account:

lsuser username

Note: Replace `username` with the name of the user account.

73. Create a New User Account

To create a new user account:

mkuser username

Note: Replace `username` with the desired user account name.

74. Remove a User Account

To remove a user account:

rmuser username

Note: Replace `username` with the name of the user account you want to remove.

75. List All Groups

To list all groups:

lsgroup -a ALL

76. Display Information of a Specific Group

To display detailed information of a specific group:

lsgroup groupname

Note: Replace `groupname` with the name of the group.

77. Create a New Group

To create a new group:

mkgroup groupname

Note: Replace `groupname` with the desired group name.

78. Remove a Group

To remove a group:

rmgroup groupname

Note: Replace `groupname` with the name of the group you want to remove.

79. List Cron Jobs for Current User

To list all cron jobs for the currently logged-in user:

crontab -l

80. Edit Cron Jobs for Current User

To edit cron jobs for the currently logged-in user:

crontab -e

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