Setup AWS Cloudwatch Memory and Drive Monitoring on RHEL

Download Scripts

Install Prerequisite Packages

sudo yum install wget unzip perl-core perl-DateTime perl-Sys-Syslog perl-CPAN perl-libwww-perl perl-Crypt-SMIME perl-Crypt-SSLeay

Install LWP Perl Bundles

  1. Launch cpan
    sudo perl -MCPAN -e shell
  2. Install Bundle
    install Bundle::LWP6 LWP YAML

Install Script

unzip -d /opt
rm -f

Setup Credentials

API Access Key (Option 1)

This is good for testing, but it’s better to use IAM roles covered in Option 2.

  1. Copy awscreds template
    cp /opt/aws-scripts-mon/awscreds.template /opt/aws-scripts-mon/awscreds.conf
  2. Add access key id and secret access key
    vim /opt/aws-scripts-mon/awscreds.conf
  3. Lock down file access
    chmod 0400 /opt/aws-scripts-mon/awscreds.conf

IAM Role (Option 2)

  1. Login to AWS web console
  2. Select Identity & Access Management
  3. Select Roles | Create New Role
  4. Enter Role Name
    1. i.e. ec2-cloudwatch
  5. Select Next Step
  6. Select Amazon EC2
  7. Search for cloudwatch
  8. Select CloudwatchFullAccess
  9. Select Next Step | Create Role
  10. Launch a new instance and assign the ec2-cloudwatch IAM role

You can not add an IAM Role to an existing EC2 Instance; you can only specify a role when you launch a new instance.


This won’t send data to Cloudwatch.

/opt/aws-scripts-mon/ --mem-util --verify --verbose


MemoryUtilization: 31.7258903184253 (Percent)
Using AWS credentials file <./awscreds.conf>
Payload: {"MetricData":[{"Timestamp":1443537153,"Dimensions":[{"Value":"i-12e1fac4","Name":"InstanceId"}],"Value":31.7258903184253,"Unit":"Percent","MetricName":"MemoryUtilization"}],"Namespace":"System/Linux","__type":"com.amazonaws.cloudwatch.v2010_08_01#PutMetricDataInput"}

Verification completed successfully. No actual metrics sent to CloudWatch.

Report to Cloudwatch Test

Test that communication to Cloudwatch works and design the command you’ll want to cron out in the next step.

/opt/aws-scripts-mon/ --mem-util --mem-used --mem-avail

After you run this command one point-in-time metric should show up for the instance under Cloudwatch | Linux System

Create Cron Task (as root)

Now that you’ve tested out the command and figured out what you want to report it’s time to add a Cron task so it runs ever X minutes. Usually 5 minutes is good.

  1. Edit cron table
    crontab -e
    */5 * * * * /opt/aws-scripts-mon/ --mem-util --mem-used --mem-avail --disk-space-util --disk-path=/ --from-cron

Create Cron Task (as other user)

You may want to create a user that runs the cron. Here’s an example using a user named cloudwatch

  1. Create user
    useradd cloudwatch
  2. Disable user login
    usermod -s /sbin/nologin cloudwatch
  3. Set ownership
    chown -R cloudwatch.cloudwatch /opt/aws-scripts-mon
  4. Edit cron table
    crontab -e -u cloudwatch
  5. Add cron job
    */5 * * * * /opt/aws-scripts-mon/ --mem-util --mem-used --mem-avail --swap-used --disk-space-util --disk-path=/ --from-cron

Verify Cron Job Ran

One way to verify the cron job ran is to look in the cron log.

less /var/log/cron
tail -f /var/log/cron


Monitor Script Arguments

Name Description
–mem-util Collects and sends the MemoryUtilization metrics in percentages. This option reports only memory allocated by applications and the operating system, and excludes memory in cache and buffers.
–mem-used Collects and sends the MemoryUsed metrics, reported in megabytes. This option reports only memory allocated by applications and the operating system, and excludes memory in cache and buffers.
–mem-avail Collects and sends the MemoryAvailable metrics, reported in megabytes. This option reports memory available for use by applications and the operating system.
–swap-util Collects and sends SwapUtilization metrics, reported in percentages.
–swap-used Collects and sends SwapUsed metrics, reported in megabytes.
–disk-path=PATH Selects the disk on which to report.PATH can specify a mount point or any file located on a mount point for the filesystem that needs to be reported. For selecting multiple disks, specify a –disk-path=PATH for each one of them. To select a disk for the filesystems mounted on / and /home, use the following parameters:
–disk-path=/ –disk-path=/home
–disk-space-util Collects and sends the DiskSpaceUtilization metric for the selected disks. The metric is reported in percentages.
–disk-space-used Collects and sends the DiskSpaceUsed metric for the selected disks. The metric is reported by default in gigabytes.Due to reserved disk space in Linux operating systems, disk space used and disk space available might not accurately add up to the amount of total disk space.
–disk-space-avail Collects and sends the DiskSpaceAvailable metric for the selected disks. The metric is reported in gigabytes.Due to reserved disk space in the Linux operating systems, disk space used and disk space available might not accurately add up to the amount of total disk space.
–memory-units=UNITS Specifies units in which to report memory usage. If not specified, memory is reported in megabytes. UNITS may be one of the following: bytes, kilobytes, megabytes, gigabytes.
–disk-space-units=UNITS Specifies units in which to report disk space usage. If not specified, disk space is reported in gigabytes. UNITS may be one of the following: bytes, kilobytes, megabytes, gigabytes.
–aws-credential- file=PATH Provides the location of the file containing AWS credentials.This parameter cannot be used with the –aws-access-key-id and –aws-secret-keyparameters.
–aws-access-key-id=VALUE Specifies the AWS access key ID to use to identify the caller. Must be used together with the –aws-secret-key option. Do not use this option with the –aws-credential-file parameter.
–aws-secret-key=VALUE Specifies the AWS secret access key to use to sign the request to CloudWatch. Must be used together with the –aws-access-key-id option. Do not use this option with –aws-credential-file parameter.
–verify Performs a test run of the script that collects the metrics, prepares a complete HTTP request, but does not actually call CloudWatch to report the data. This option also checks that credentials are provided. When run in verbose mode, this option outputs the metrics that will be sent to CloudWatch.
–from-cron Use this option when calling the script from cron. When this option is used, all diagnostic output is suppressed, but error messages are sent to the local system log of the user account.
–verbose Displays detailed information about what the script is doing.
–help Displays usage information.
–version Displays the version number of the script.

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