How to Verify the VNX daemons ?

View VNX daemons

 It is essential that the HTTPD daemons run on the Control Station at all times, so the Unisphere software can manage the VNX.

To view the VNX daemons enabled at the Control Station, type:

$ ps -e|grep nas | awk ‘ { print $4 } ‘ | sort | uniq

Output Note







The complete list of daemons is displayed in the Output column of the table. The output list for the server might be different. If the daemons are not running, restart them by typing:

/etc/rc.d/init.d/nas stop

/etc/rc.d/init.d/nas star

 View HTTPD daemons

 To view whether the HTTPD daemons are enabled at the Control Station and to re-enable them if necessary, type:

$ ps -e|grep httpd

 Output Note

 1646 ?        00:00:05 httpd

2462 ?        00:00:10 httpd

3990 ?        00:00:00 httpd

11962 ?        00:00:11 httpd

18410 ?        00:00:10 httpd

24905 ?        00:00:06 httpd

24986 ?        00:00:06 httpd

24987 ?        00:00:07 httpd

24990 ?        00:00:05 httpd

28110 ?        00:00:11 httpd

28128 ?        00:00:05 httpd

31507 ?        00:00:05 httpd

If the HTTPD daemons are not running, restart the Unisphere software by switching to root and typing:

/nas/http/nas_ezadm/etc/script restart

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