Veritas: Volume Relayout

1. It is possible to relayout volumes/filesystems on the fly with veritas
# vxassist –g disk-group-name relayout volume-name
layout=layout-type ncol=number-of-columns alloc=”disks
to use” stripeunit=stripe-width

b. where alloc defines the disks to build the new layout on, ncol is the number columns to use, stripeunit is the size of the stripes (stripeunit is optional, default is 128), and where layout is the layout you are going to migrate to.
2. to check the relayout status vxrelayout status volume-name
3. to restart a hung or failed relayout vxrelayout start volume-name
4. to reverse a relayout vxrelayout reverse volume-name
5. after a relayout completes if you need to evacuate a disk to complete a new stripe set, or want to migrate data from one disk to a new disk vxevac –g disk-group-name current-disk new-disk
a. example:
vxevac –g testdg testdg01 testdg02
(this would move all data on testdg01 to testdg02)

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