Create the mirrors
1. Give veritas control of a disk to create the mirror on
/usr/lib/vxvm/bin/vxdisksetup -i solaris-disk-name
2. Add the new disk to the rootdg disk group and give it a veritas name
vxdg -g rootdg adddisk rootmirror=solaris-disk-name
3. Mirror the root partition
/etc/vx/bin/vxrootmir rootmirror
4. Mirror the swap space
vxassist -g rootdg mirror swapvol rootmirror
5. Mirror the var volume
vxassist -g rootdg mirror var rootmirror
6. Mirror the opt volume
vxassist -g rootdg mirror opt rootmirror
Ensure that each volume on the rootdisk is tied to a hard partition
1. Identify which hard partition on the disk you wish to tie volume to by checking out /etc/vfstab. See what lines volume manager commented out.
2. Identify which subdisk each volume is on that you want to tie back to the hard partition
3. Run the command to link the subdisk to a hard partition
a. for swap
vxmksdpart –g rootdg subdisk hard-partition 0x03 0x01
b. for var
vxmksdpart –g rootdg subdisk hard-partition 0x07 0x00
c. for opt
vxmksdpart –g rootdg subdisk hard-partition 0x00 0x00
d. for /
vxmksdpart –g rootdg subdisk hard-partition 0x02 0x00