Today vi is considered the standard. It is the only editor that will be installed by default on any UNIX system.
It is small, fast and efficient; useful to make some minor editing of system files, editing of huge data files or when a slow network link is involved.
It is important to learn at least the basics of vi.
Vi: Start-up, Modes, Save and Quit
To enter Vi type:
Vi has two modes: Normal (command) mode and edit mode.
Switch to normal mode: <ESC> Switch to edit mode: i or a
Getting out of Vi (change to normal mode <ESC>):
Exit Vi: :q Exit Vi (ignore changes): :q! Save: :w Save and Exit: :wq
Switch to (edit) an other file:
Getting help:
:help topic
Vi: Move, Delete and Paste
Change to normal mode with <ESC>.
Move: Use either the arrow keys or the hjkl keys:
h (left) j (down) k (up) l (right) Getlocation and file status: Ctrl-g Moves to end of the file: Shift-G Moves line NUMBER: NUMBER Shift-G
Delete a character: x Delete a line: dd
For multiple deletion precede command with a number.
Delete 5 characters: 5 x Delete 7 lines: 7 dd
Paste: inserts all you deleted with the preceding delete.
Paste: p
Vi: Search and Replace
Change to normal mode with <ESC>.
Search (Wraped around at end of file):
Search STRING forward : / STRING. Search STRING backward: ? STRING. Repeat search: n Repeat search in opposite direction: N (SHIFT-n)
Replace: Same as with sed, Replace OLD with NEW:
First occurrence on current line: :s/OLD/NEW Globally (all) on current line: :s/OLD/NEW/g Between two lines #,#: :#,#s/OLD/NEW/g Every occurrence in file: :%s/OLD/NEW/g VIM QUICK REFERENCE CARD or VI Cheat Sheet