Error messages like the following in syslog.log:
Aug 14 00:14:05 cust1 vmunix: LVM: Performed a switch for Lun ID = 0 (pv = 0x000000005ed22800), from raw device 0x1f00b400 (with priority: 0, and current flags: 0x40) to raw device 0x1f03b400 (with priority: 1, and current flags: 0x0).
Aug 14 00:14:05 cust1 vmunix: LVM: Performed a switch for Lun ID = 0 (pv = 0x000000005ed22800), from raw device 0x1f03b400 (with priority: 1, and current flags: 0x0) to raw device 0x1f00b400 (with priority: 0, and current flags: 0x0).
Aug 14 00:14:05 cust1 vmunix: LVM: Recovered Path (device 0x1f00b400) to PV 11 in VG 18.
Aug 14 00:14:05 cust1 vmunix: LVM: Restored PV 11 to VG 18.
To determine the Volume Group that VG 18 refers to:
translate 18 (dec) into 12 (hex)
then look for the “group” file that has the value 0x??0000 where ?? = the hex value. e.g. issue: ls -lr /dev/*/group | grep 0x120000
crw-r–r– 1 root sys 64 0x120000 Apr 19 01:30 /dev/vgdata_02/group
So VG 18 is volume group vgdata_02.
To next determine the Physical Volume that PV 11 refers to:
issue: strings /etc/lvmtab
then look at the section for the relevant volume group, e.g. vgdata_02:
Note that PV 0 is the first c#t#d# entry. So here PV 11 refers to the 12th entry: /dev/dsk/c0t11d4.
To double-check, determine which c#t#d# that device 0x1f00b400 refers to. It is c0t11d4.