- Check if module is installed. Errors mean missing module.
# perl -MModule::Name -e 1
- See documentation of the module if installed.
# perldoc Module::Name
- Open CPAN shell
# perl -MCPAN -e shell
- To reconfigure the shell if needed.
cpan>o conf init
- Install an available module.
cpan> install HTML::Template
- You can run the Perl CPAN module via command line perl and get it installed in a single line:
# perl -MCPAN -e ‘install HTML::Template
- Force install if test fails.
cpan> force install Module::Name
- To manual install perl modules. Unzip and go to module directory.
# tar -zxvf HTML-Template-2.8.tar.gz
# perl Makefile.PL # make # make test # make install