1) BACKUP old disk critical data.
# dd if=/dev/hdisk9 of=/tmp/hdisk9.save bs=4k count=1
If something were to go wrong and the head information got damaged
use the following to RECOVER the origional PVID and head information
TO RECOVER origional PVID:
# dd if=/tmp/hdisk9.save of=/dev/hdisk9 bs=4k count=1
2) Find the origional PVID. This might be seen with lspv importvg, or
varyonvg. Our example origional PVID is “0012a3e42bc908f3”
# lqueryvg -Atp /dev/hdisk9
Physical: 0012a3e42bc908f3 2 0
00ffffffc9cc5f99 1 0
3) Verify that the disk sees an invalid PVID. The first 2 data fields
of offset 80 contain the PVID.
# lquerypv -h /dev/hdisk9 80 10
00000080 00001155 583CD4B0 00000000 00000000 |...UX<..........|
4) Translate the ORIGIONAL PVID into the octal version. Take every 2
digits of the hex PVID and translate it to octal. This can be done
by hand, calculator, script, or web page.
00012a3e42bc908f3 -> 00 12 a3 e4 2b c9 08 f3
Octal version -> 000 022 243 344 053 311 010 363
5) Write the binary version of the PVID to a file by using the octal
values. Each octal char is lead with a backslash-Zero “