1. In some cases you may need to add additional disk space if there is no space available on the existing drives. Follow the steps outlined above to complete that task.
2. Once you have disk space prepared we can begin the resize.
3. NOTE: If your particular volume configuration is relies on columns you will need to have extra space on a device within each column. Example, If you have a 3 column stripe you essentially have data on 3 disks. To increase the space in this volume you will have to locate equal free space on 3 devices, in order to grow each column in the volume. These may be the same devices currently in the volume or you may need to add additional devices. It would be possible to have 2x18G drives and 2x9G drives in a 3 column stripe; you’d just have the 2x9G drives concatenated in the same column to keep overall column balance.
4. Identify available free space
# vxdg –g disk-group-name free
(this command will list all areas of free space on each disk in the disk group in 512-byte blocks; note, be sure to consider data redundancy in your calculations)
5. resize the volumes
a. # /etc/vx/bin/vxresize –F filesystem-type
–g disk-group-name volume-name +size-to-add &
b. breaking down the command above, -F is either ufs or vxfs; when specifying size you can do it one of 2 ways. Either you say +size or just size. The difference being if veritas sees a plus sign he will add that much space to the existing volume. If if veritas doesn’t see a + sign he will attempt to resize the volume to what ever size you have specified. Don’t get these confused or else you could end up shrinking a volume you intended to grow.
c. # vxtask monitor
(this will allow you to see the progress being made)
6. Keep in mind this is an activity that can be done on the fly, systems can remain up. It has been tested many times over and it has been proven safe.