Recreating missing virtual disk (VMDK) Descriptor File
You just noticed that virtual machine’s VMDK files are missing and lost somehow. The reason, not able to start VM and when you try to add existing HDD – existing VMDK and -flat. VMDK files are not available to attach with Virtual Machine too.
Solution –
We need to recreate missing VMDK files, to add VMDK files and start Virtual Machine.
- Login to ESXI PS with Putty. Make sure, SSH service is enabled and running for the PS.
- Switch to the directory where your virtual machine is located.
cd /vmfs/volumes/<<datastore>>/VM-Directory
cd /vmfs/volumes/5d406ca3-62654bd0-75fd-e4434b75ed38/APP-U1-63-25
3. Run below command to identify and record the exact size of the existing flat vmdk file for the VM.
ls -ltr *
-rw——- 1 root root 16106127360 Jun 21 12:20 APP-U1-63-25-flat.vmdk
-rw——- 1 root root 214748364800 Jun 21 10:49 APP-U1-63-25_1-flat.vmdk
4. Run the vmkfstools to create new virtual disk, i.e VMDK (Descriptor File)
vmkfstools -c 16106127360 -d thin -a lsilogic APP-U1-63-25-OS.vmdk
vmkfstools -c 214748364800 -d thin -a lsilogic APP-U1-63-25-DATA.vmdk
5. As mentioned, there are 2 new files created: APP-U1-63-25-OS.vmdk and APP-U1-63-25-DATA.vmdk are created as a result.
ls -ltr
–rw——- 1 root root 16106127360 Jun 21 19:21 APP-U1-63-25-OS-flat.vmdk
-rw——- 1 root root 214748364800 Jun 21 19:21 APP-U1-63-25-DATA-flat.vmdk
-rw——- 1 root root 546 Jun 21 21:05 APP-U1-63-25-OS.vmdk
-rw——- 1 root root 550 Jun 21 21:05 APP-U1-63-25-DATA.vmdk
-rw——- 1 root root 214748364800 Jun 22 05:08 APP-U1-63-25_1-flat.vmdk
-rw——- 1 root root 16106127360 Jun 22 05:08 APP-U1-63-25-flat.vmdk
6. We need to Rename APP-U1-63-25-OS.vmdk and APP-U1-63-25-DATA.vmdk to the name that is needed to match the orphaned -flat file.
mv APP-U1-63-25-OS.vmdk APP-U1-63-25.vmdk
mv APP-U1-63-25-DATA.vmdk APP-U1-63-25_1.vmdk
7. Now, it is final stage where editing descriptor file (APP-U1-63-25.vmdk and APP-U1-63-25_1.vmdk)
find the line with RW ####### and change the name of the -flat to match the orphaned -flat file you have. So, I changed to APP-U1-63-25-flat.vmdk and APP-U1-63-25_1-flat.vmdk respectively for both disks, as you can see in the image below.
vi APP-U1-63-25.vmdk
vi APP-U1-63-25_1.vmdk
8. You can now delete the below files created earlier. These are not required anymore.
–rw——- 1 root root 16106127360 Jun 21 19:21 APP-U1-63-25-OS-flat.vmdk
-rw——- 1 root root 214748364800 Jun 21 19:21 APP-U1-63-25-DATA-flat.vmdk
9. Attach the respective VMDK files to the virtual machine as earlier.
10. Now, All set and good to power on the virtual machine.